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U.S. Soldier Reunited With Four-Legged Battle Buddy at Save-A-Pet


United States soldier Kevin Brady traveled from Fort Bragg Army Base to Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center, Inc. on July 4th for an emotional reunion with Bailey, a stray dog that became his battle buddy while stationed in Afghanistan. Guardians of Rescue raised over $5,000 to arrange for Bailey’s safe return through its “Paws of War — No Buddy Left Behind” program.

Nowzad Dogs in Kabul was able to locate Bailey, in cooperation with Guardians of Rescue, where she was cared for before being shipped to Dubai Kennels. Bailey was quarantined, spayed, vaccinated, microchipped and groomed, so that she could be reunited with her hero and best friend, who had cared for her since she was a puppy. Brady and the eleven-month-old dog had been separated for two months before seeing each other again at Save-A-Pet. She will now reside at her new forever home in Northern California with Brady and his family.

Press Clips

July 5, 2013 Newsday: Battle Buddies Reunite

July 5, 2013 Times Beacon Record: Soldier and Unit's Dog Reunite at Save-A-Pet


News 12
Fox 5
Channel 2
TV 55
PIX 11
Good Morning America


Additional media and blog coverage of Sgt. Brady and Bailey's reunion:

July 5, 2013 World News Views: Soldier Reunited With Dog He Befriended During Deployment To Afghanistan

July 8, 2013 The Amazing Story Of The Soldier Who Was Reunited With The Dog He Left Behind In Afghanistan

July 8, 2013 Holy Cuteness: Soldier Reunites With Dog

July 9, 2013 The Inquisitr: US Solider Reunited With Dog He Was Forced To Leave In Afghanistan

July 9, 2013 Mail Online: Dog days are over! Soldier reunited with the Afghan pup he was forced to leave behind

July 10, 2013 Huffington Post: Kevin Brady, US Soldier, Reunites With Dog He Met While Serving In Afghanistan

July 10, 2013 One News Page: Soldier Reunites With Dog He Left In Afghanistan

July 11. 2013 MSN: Soldier reunited with dog he was forced to leave in Afghanistan

July 11, 2013 Soldier Reunited with Afghan Puppy on Fourth of July

July 11, 2013 Soldier Reunited With World's Happiest Dog!!

July 15, 2013 Puppy Toob: US Soldier is Reunited with Dog he Met While Serving in Afghanistan

July 23, 2013 ABC 10 News: Soldier reunited with dog from Afghanistan

July 23, 2013 ABC 7 News: Soldier reunited with dog from Afghanistan

July 23, 2013 ABC 6 News: Soldier reunited with dog from Afghanistan

Pets Talk: Soldier Reunited With The Dog He Left Behind In Afghanistan Sgt. Kevin Brady Reunited With Dog He Adopted in Afghanistan


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