Please answer ALL of the following questions:
Are you over the age of 21? Yes No
Do you Own Home
If you rent, please tell us your landlord's name and phone:
How many adults are in the household?
How many children are in the household?
What is the age range?
About many hours a day will
the animal be alone?
Are you against crate training? Yes No
Do you believe in declawing? Yes No
Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No
If so, what kind of fence? How high?
Where will the animal be kept. . .
during the day? Inside Outside Both
at night? Inside Outside
Have you ever adopted a pet from us before? Yes No
Have you ever surrendered a pet to us before? Yes No
If so, when and why?
Do you currently own any animals? Yes No
If so:
Have you owned any animals in the past? Yes No
If so:
What is the name of your Veterinarian?
What is their phone number? ( ) -
May we contact them for a reference? Yes No
Please provide two personal references:
Do you object to a home visit? Yes No
I understand that:
1. Save-A-Pet has the right to refuse to adopt any animal.
2. I will be required to pay an adoption donation for this animal.
3. If the animal is a dog, I will be required to purchase a New York State (or
otherwise if out-of-state address) license for this pet.
4. I will be required to have any un-spayed/un-neutered dogs that I adopt, spayed
or neutered at Save a Pet's expense and will call to make an appointment at the appropriate time (designated by Save-A-Pet).
5. Save-A-Pet has had preliminary veterinary care for the animal but makes no
claims as to the future health of the pet.
6. I promise to bring the adopted pet to my veterinarian for regular check ups
and when the animal is in need of medical attention.
7. The pet will live INSIDE the house with you and WILL NOT be kept outside.
8. I agree to return the animal to Save-A-Pet, if, for any reason, I decide not
to keep the pet.
9. Save-A-Pet may seize the animal if we become aware that the animal is being
mistreated or neglected in any way or if the terms of this agreement have been
* I understand the above
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Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue
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