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Save-A-Pet Reminds Pet Owners That September is National Preparedness Month

Offers Free Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Brochure as a Public Service

Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center, Inc. is reminding pet owners that September is National Preparedness Month and that it is just as important to protect their pets during a natural catastrophic event as they would their loved ones. One of the most vulnerable populations is pets, who are often forgotten in the chaos of natural disasters. In order to ensure the well-being of their pets, it is necessary for pet owners to formulate a plan before disaster strikes.

To assist local residents, Save-A-Pet is offering an Emergency Evacuation Preparedness brochure. The brochure is free of charge and emphasizes planning for pets, which is the most often-overlooked family member in catastrophic situations. Save-A-Pet hopes that the information it provides to pet owners will prove to be invaluable when families take steps to prepare for hurricanes and other natural disasters.

This year marks a decade of National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The U.S. Department of Homeland Security — which oversees FEMA — seeks to educate the public about how to prepare for emergencies, including natural disasters, mass casualties, biological and chemical threats, radiation emergencies and terrorist attacks.

This year, Save-A-Pet took in Midnight, a Chesapeake Bay retriever mix that was found wandering a storm-ravaged area near Brooklyn right after Hurricane Sandy hit. The dog was quarantined and vetted at a Nassau County animal hospital before being transported to Save-A-Pet by members of Guardians of Rescue.

Save-A-Pet is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of all animals. As a non-profit organization and no-kill animal shelter, Save-A-Pet acts as a safe haven for animals in need while working to place orphaned animals in loving homes. Save-A-Pet offers services such as spaying and neutering, improving the lives of homeless and abandoned animals, and works to educate the public about the importance of being a responsible pet owner. Save-A-Pet’s Emergency Evacuation Preparedness brochures can be found in local veterinarian’s offices, pet stores, grooming shops, or doggy day care centers.

To request a brochure and more information about Save-A-Pet, call . The brochure can also be downloaded at www.saveapetli.net.


Click here to download the Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Brochure


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