Long Island Animal Rescue and Adoption Center


Help Donating Online

You can donate online using a PayPal account. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card.

Click on the "Donate" button, "Sponsor A Pet" button, "Purchase Single" button, or "Buy Now" button on the Save-A-Pet website.

You will be taken to the secure PayPal website to complete your transaction. If you are donating, type in a dollar amount and click on "Update Total."

Login to your PayPal account.

If you don't have a PayPal account:

Fill out your billing information on the left side of the screen underneath "Pay with Credit Card or Log In" and click "continue."

If you don't see this, towards the bottom left-hand corner, it says, "Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available)."

Click "continue." You will be brought to a screen to fill out your billing information.

Amount: $

Donate to Save-A-Pet
Pay securely with PayPal. Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card. Need help paying with your credit card?

Pet Friendly Housing
Find pet friendly housing and apartments in New York.

Dog Kennels
Get 10% off, use promo code "SAP21" at checkout, all profits go to support Save-A-Pet.

The Law Offices of Donald Mates, Jr.
For all of your
legal needs:
The Law Offices of Donald Mates, Jr.



Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center